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File-Select Version 2.0
(C) by André Wichmann of CLUSTER in 09/1990.
Posener Weg 4
5300 Bonn 1
West Germany
This program is Freeware and may be copied or used even in commercial
programs if you mention the author.
- FileSelect V2.0 -
Here is another nice request in the never ending series of filerequests, but
this time with some more features.
FileSelect V2.0 pros:
- Displays the sizes of the files, but is small enough to fit
on a lo-res screen
- Fast and small (My opinion!)
- You can select the colors which should be used (FilePen,
DirPen, GadgetPen, BackPen)
- You can give a list of filters to the request-routine (no
.info-files should be shown for example)
- No limits (Why can some filerequests only show 200 files ?)
- All is done with structures and an own include-file (for
future improvements)
- Three useful gadgets can optionally be switched on or off:
makedir, delete and rename. (I missed them in other requests)
- You can certainly set a windowtitle, a default path and a
default filename (Well, I need not mention that you can put
it on any screen-position !)
- If you do not set a screenpointer FileSelect will use the
active screen
- You will get back the path, the file AND the full name
- Show devices and double-click are also supported
- You need no large library (as ARP does)
FileSelect V2.0 contras:
- must be in CHIPMEM because of some images (Will be changed
You can enter any path in the 'Path'-gadget and FileSelect will try to show
the path when you press return.Use either your mouse to select a file or
directory or type in any filename in the 'File'-gadget.To end the request,
either double-click a filename, click 'Okay' or click 'Cancel'.Click on the
'Makedir'-gadget to create a new directory (A new request will appear).Enter
a filename and click 'Delete' to delete this (You will be asked if you really
want to delete that file).Enter a filename and click 'Rename' to rename that
file (again with a new request).Sometimes these gadgets are switched off by
the main program so you can't use them.Press the right mouse-button to get a
list of all connected devices (df0:, ram: etc.).
This version is written for the DevPac assembler V2.14, but if you use the
linkable file 'FileSelect.o' I think you can use it in any language.
To use it you must include the file 'FileSelect.i' which contains several
structures and important equates.To call FileSelect a0 must contain a pointer
on the following structure:
NFS2_NewFileSelect rs.b 0
NFS2_LeftEdge rs.w 1
NFS2_TopEdge rs.w 1
NFS2_WindowTitle rs.l 1
NFS2_DefaultPath rs.l 1
NFS2_DefaultFile rs.l 1
NFS2_Screenptr rs.l 1
NFS2_GadgetFlags rs.w 1
NFS2_FirstFilter rs.l 1
NFS2_BackPen rs.b 1
NFS2_FilePen rs.b 1
NFS2_DirPen rs.b 1
NFS2_GadgetPen rs.b 1
NFS2_Reserved1 rs.l 1
NFS2_Reserved2 rs.l 1
NFS2_SIZEOF rs.w 0
NFS2_LeftEdge.w This is the x-position for FileSelect.Use
NFS2_CENTREPOS (-1) to centre it on a hires-screen.
NFS2_TopEdge.w This is the y-position for FileSelect.Use
NFS2_CENTREPOS (-1) to centre it on a hires-screen.
NFS2_WindowTitle.l A pointer on the window-title ended with a zero.Use
NFS2_DEFAULTTITLE (0) to use the default window-
NFS2_DefaultPath.l A pointer on a string containing the default path.Use
NFS2_NODEFAULT (0) for no default path.
NFS2_DefaultFile.l A pointer on a string containing the default filename.
Use NFS2_NODEFAULT (0) for no default filename.
NFS2_Screenptr.l The screenpointer.NFS2_ACTIVESCREEN (0) will force
FileSelect to use the active screen.
NFS2_GadgetFlags.w This flag toggles the three dos-gadgets makedir,
delete and rename on/off.Use NFS2_NOGADGETS (0) to
switch all off or NFS2_MAKEDIR (1), NFS2_DELETE (2)
and NFS2_RENAME (3) to switch them on.Example:
NFS2_MAKEDIR!NFS2_DELETE would switch all except
Rename on.
dos-gadgets on.
NFS2_FirstFilter.l A pointer on the first structure of the filter list
(see below).Use NFS2_NOFILTER (0) to let FileSelect
display all files.
NFS2_BackPen.b The pen which will be used for the background.Use
NFS2_DEFAULTPEN (0) to use 1 (white).
NFS2_FilePen.b The pen for the file-display.Default: 2 (black).
NFS2_DirPen.b The pen for the directories.Default: 3 (orange).
NFS2_GadgetPen.b The pen for the gadgets.Default: 2 (black).
NFS2_Reserved1.l Set it to zero.
NFS2_Reserved2.l Set it to zero.
You can give a list of filters to FileSelect, e.g. that files with that
extension will not be displayed.This can be useful to avoid displaying
.info-, .iff-, .txt-files etc. NFS2_FirstFilter should point on the
following structure:
FS2F_FilterElement rs.b 0
FS2F_NextFilter rs.l 1
FS2F_FilterLength rs.b 1
FS2F_AdjustToWord rs.b 1
FS2F_Filter rs.l 1
FS2F_Reserved rs.l 1
FS2F_SIZEOF rs.w 0
FS2F_NextFilter.l Either a pointer on the next filter-structure or
FS2F_LASTFILTER (0) to end the list.
FS2F_FilterLength.b Length of the string
FS2F_AdjustToWord.b Only used to align the next longword.
FS2F_Filter.l A pointer on a string containing the extension.
FS2F_Reserved.l Set it to zero.
If there appears no guru-meditation your program will receive a pointer in
d0 on the following structure:
FS2_FileSelectReturn rs.b 0
FS2_Status rs.w 1
FS2_Path rs.l 1
FS2_File rs.l 1
FS2_FullName rs.l 1
FS2_Reserved1 rs.l 1
FS2_Reserved2 rs.l 1
FS2_SIZEOF rs.w 0
FS2_Status.w FS2_OKAY (0) means the user clicked Okay.
FS2_CANCEL (1) means the user clicked Cancel.
FS2_WINDOWERR (2) means FileSelect was not able to
open the window (Probably not enough CHIPMEM).
FS2_Path.l A pointer on a string containing the path.FS2_NOPATH
(0) if there is no path (after CANCEL or WINDOWERR).
FS2_File.l A pointer on a string containing the filename.
FS2_NOFILE (0) if there is no filename (after CANCEL
FS2_FullName.l A pointer on a string containing the full name
(Path + file).FS2_NOFULLNAME (0) if there is no full
name (after CANCEL or WINDOWERR).
FS2_Reserved1.l Normally zero.
FS2_Reserved2.l Normally zero.
FileSelect will use little memory while running, only for its window and 42
bytes per file/dir/device.
To include FileSelect in your program you have two possibilities:
1) You can append the source to your source. Then you must delete the
include-lines and the opt-line.
2) You can link it to your program with blink.
If you use FileSelect V2.0 you must include the file 'FileSelect.i' if you
use some of the keywords like NFS2_ACTIVESCREEN.If you do not link it but
assemble it (with your program) the following files must be included:
include exec/exec_lib.i
include exec/memory.i
include intuition/intuition_lib.i
include intuition/intuition.i
include intuition/intuitionbase.i
include graphics/graphics_lib.i
include libraries/dos_lib.i
include libraries/dos.i
include libraries/dosextens.i
include FileSelect.i
If you link the routine your program should import/export the following:
XREF FileSelect
XDEF _IntuitionBase,_GfxBase,_DOSBase
When you call FileSelect, Intuition.library, Graphics.library and
Dos.library must be open.
If you want to use it in any other language than assembler you must do
this on your own because I do not know how compilers treat such include-
files.But I hope that it can easily be linked ! Tips for that can be
expected in the doc-file of the next version.(Send me Tips !)
Fell free to change this routine ! If you make major changes please send
me the new versions because I am always interested in improvements.Own
better versions will follow.
...AW 29/09/1990...
Aragorn/CLUSTER rules !!!
CLUSTER is a legal programming formation mainly working on Amiga, coding
Freeware (and perhaps some commercial programs later).
CLUSTER was founded on January 1989 with the following members:
André Wichmann, Guido Wegener, Martin Rosenkranz, Martin Baumann, Philipp
Witkop, Stefan Kaspari, Stefan Lietzow and Giang Nguyen.
Then we reduced our members to the best and got a new programmer.
Now, on 29.09.1990, we have the following members:
André Wichmann Coding
Guido Wegener Coding
Martin Mohr Coding
Martin Rosenkranz Graphics
Philipp Witkop Digitizing
If you want to contact any member of CLUSTER then write to our address:
André Wichmann
Posener Weg 4
5300 Bonn 1
West Germany
André will give the letter to the addressed member.
Send errors, corrections, supporting ideas, criticism, enthusiastic fan-
letters and money to the author: André Wichmann
Posener Weg 4
5300 Bonn 1
West Germany